3 Wishes You Should Have for Your Students
by Guy E. White on 16 September, 2014
Teaching is always a mix of elation and heartbreak. With every gain, there are setbacks and disappointments. Here are some of my greatest wishes for my students.
Every teacher undergoes an “adjustment” during their first years teaching. They leave behind the inexperienced image of “what a teacher should look like,” and start settling into their own, natural skin as an educator. Sometimes, with this settling can come openness, tenderness, and lots of heart. Here’s what my heart’s telling me this week.
It’s easy to become a concrete wall as a teacher – it’s easier not to feel anything than to be exposed to the hardship, pain, and stress. In my best moments, I’m able to remain open, receptive, and fearless. In those good times, here’s what my heart tells me:
1. Be “Your” Best
Every student has his or her own best. The finish line is not the same for everyone. Some students are struggling to get into Harvard. Some are struggling to find their next meal. Regardless of the challenges you face, figure out what would be “your” best for today and work towards that. The only person with which you are competing today is yourself: to stick to your vision, to march toward today’s best, and to be the person you want to be.
2. Become “Who” You Want to Be: Not “What,” But Who.
Lots of people have an idea about what it means to “make it” in life, but think about who you want to be. What does it mean for you to be happy? Forget about the naysayers and people who want to reality-check you into living out the average. Figure out who you want to be each day and work hard to become that person with each moment. We are in a constant stage of change, but you can usually urge that change in the direction you want to go. Build your vision and live it.
3. Break The Rules. Make Things Happen For You.
Don’t break the law, but break the rules. Don’t wait for someone to create the life you want for yourself: you have to do that – you have to create the life you want for yourself. If you want to go to a great college, use the power of Google to tell you how to do that. If you want to do something that requires money, find a way to work for yourself to get those funds. Each day act like it’s “on you” to create the life of your dreams.
Some of the above was inspired by my favorite Arnold videos and his “six rules” for life, which you can see here.
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