3 Easy Teacher Health Hacks

by Guy E. White on 10 February, 2015 Automate your health, feel great, and change the world. ...

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Superior Syllabus Hacks for Daring Teachers

by Guy E. White on 5 February, 2015 Reduce stress and rule your classroom universe. The Magna...

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More Unsurpassed Antidotes for Disruptive Students

by Guy E. White on 3 February, 2015 How many detentions will fix this problem? Every so often...

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3 Things Teachers Can Always Be Thankful For

by Guy E. White on 18 December, 2014 No matter what, youā€™ll always have these. Teaching is ha...

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4 Rainy Day Classroom Activities of the Past

by Guy E. White on 16 December, 2014 Are rainy day movie extravaganzas gone forever? The 1980...

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5 Reasons Teachers SHOULD NOT Quit Their Jobs

by Guy E. White on 10 December, 2014 Teaching is probably the greatest calling one can have. ...

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4 Top Teachers' Stresses Don't Involve Pay

by Guy E. White on 8 November, 2014 Ask teachers: big stresses have little to do with pay. Si...

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Why High School Relationships Are Teachable Moments

by Guy E. White on 26 November, 2014 Should teachers educate students about the woes of dating...

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Why My Wife Should Run My School

by Guy E. White on 24 November, 2014 Three reasons why my bride should be in charge. No, Iā€™m ...

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